Tuesday, 4 December 2012

More work-in-progress shots of the ruined Rattenloch

In an attempt to actually finish things, here’s some work-in-progress shots of the destroyed version of das Rattenloch.  I’ve loved making this ruined bunker from the Siegfried Stellung, the destroyed version of the intact bunker I blogged this summer here.

I don’t want to show too many of the work-in-progress pictures here, as I’ve done a full article for the TooFatLardies Christmas Special setting out some of the thinking behind the building, and wargames buildings generally, as well as some far more colourful photos!

The above photo just shows the undercoating stage of the bunker, after the remaining walls, rebar and damaged wall sections have been finished and glued in place.  I’ve since added some more elaborate rusting rebar,  destroyed communications wiring and some sandbags around the main vantage points.  There’s also a few more touches I’m in the process of adding to try and really bring the model to life.

Here’s a close-up shot of some of the destroyed wall sections, with Milliput concrete effects….

I’ve continued looking for images of destroyed bunkers online.  As you can see below, again with images taken by photographers from the Mannerheim Line in Finland, I’m not at all sure that many bunkers would actually shatter in the way I’ve depicted on the terrain model.  However, I think its reasonably clear that some took a terrific amount of damage and were capable of collapsing.  So, in the end, I’m fairly comfortable I’ve stretched history slightly, but hopefully in a dramatic fashion which adds to the theme of the games I've got planned.

I’m looking forward to getting the final destroyed version of the bunker onto the wargames table around Christmas or New Year and having my clubmates tentatively exploring what may be lurking in the concrete fractured and unstable remains of das Rattenloch in a number of scenarios. I'm hoping to post the scenarios here on the blog when we've played them through, hopefully in January next year.


  1. Good progress Sidney, looking forward to more good things to come....

  2. That is certainly looking the part and you've only got the undercoat on! I have a feeling that this is going to be another storming success.

    1. Not sure about storming success, Michael. I'll just be pleased to finish! Not long now, though...

  3. I can see the outlines of a wonderful piece of terrain emerging. Lovely work and great research Sidney!

  4. Great Blog! I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award: http://theclosetgamer.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/fellow-blogger-moiterei1984-was-kind.html

    1. Thanks Matt. That is very kind indeed. I'm not at all sure I am worthy - my blogs kind of had a stop-and-start year, but its good of you to nominate all the same.

  5. Thanks Styx. Hope you like the final result!

  6. Attention to detail is becoming your trade mark Sidney. Look forward to seeing this finished. I may just have to purchase one of those christmas specials.

  7. Thanks Pat! The idea of these very brief, "don't give too much away" posts was to give people an idea of what's in the Christmas Special. Otherwise people are buying them a bit blind, without really being sure of what they're getting. It's a bit of a balancing act - I'm not sure I've got it quite right, but I felt I had to start somewhere!

  8. I've nominated you for a Liebster Awards, see my blog here for details.

