Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Stosstrupptaktik – The Missing Map

As I mentioned in one of the comments on this Blog last night, the map for “Stosstrupptaktik”, the pre-game which accompanies my article “SturmAbteilung Vor!” in the TooFatLardies “Christmas Special”, went walk-about from the final version which was published.

I have no idea how this happened.  I’d done the map weeks ago (it was one of the first things to be finished).  Richard had done a splendid version for the magazine.  And yuletime gremlins had removed it.

Mea culpa, mes braves.

Anyway, here’s the map (my original) in both .jpg format and with a PDF in the right hand “Playtesting Scenarios, Campaign Diaries and Play-Aids” section.  It’s nothing very grand, but I hope that makes the pre-game in the magazine make sense now!


  1. Thanks for posting that here. I'm looking forward to getting the special at the end of the week.

    1. Thanks Ashley - I really hope you enjoy the magazine.

  2. I was going crazy reading the article last night because of the movement in the map mentions... now I know why!!! Can't Rich include in the pdf and re-release the Special??? it's a real shame because the articleon the Stoss (Sturm, Storm...??) troppers is probably the best in the magazine

    1. Thanks Benito. That's both great to hear, and devastating to hear! I'm very sorry that the reading of the magazine was spoiled a bit by this damned missing map! I shall ask Rich if he can work wonders and get the map slipped into a revised version. I'm glad you liked the article though!

    2. Having spoken to Richard, there will indeed be a new version of the "Christmas Special" including the "Stosstrupptaktik" map. Available this afternoon (Wednesday 19 December) so I'm told.
