Sunday 14 July 2013

The Verdun Project: 28mm Late War French Figure Comparisons

I’ve posted three photos in this post comparing the size of 28mm late Great War French infantry figures. As you can see, the figures are of comparable height, but appear to differ quite a bit in size and heft.  

The broadest and bulkiest are the Scarab Miniatures figures, which are cast in a very solid, dense metal. They are truly robust figures, and take paint very well. I like them a lot, especially for the specialist figures in the Scarab Miniatures range – the battalion command, the communications troops and the French rations and soup carriers, les Hommes Soupes. I tend to feel that the Scarab Miniatures infantry figures are not quite a perfect fit with the Brigade Miniatures figures, which are of a comparable height (as you can see) but which are nowhere near as broad or bulky.  (I would say that when viewed at three feet from the wargames table, any differences in height and bulk seem less pronounced than when the figures are placed side by side in the photos in this post).

My British and German late Great War figures are Great War Miniatures, which do fit perfectly in height and breadth and bulk with Brigade Miniatures. And for this reason, and no other reason, I have gone with Brigade Miniatures for the bulk of my infantry figures. It was a personal choice, but it seemed to work for me.

The Brigade Miniatures figures are, with their helmet included, a shade over 28mm. There’s a pretty decent mix of figures in the Brigade range. The earlier sculpts had a large number of helmet covers, which are really only suitable in large numbers for late 1916 and early 1917. Brigade have recently brought out an extra pack of all-plain Adrian helmeted infantry figures, thereby enabling the units to be more balanced in their historical helmets. 

The Brigade figures fit very well with Woodbine figures (from the Gripping Beast stables), which are of an almost identical size and breadth. The Woodbine figures have the advantage of having multiple heads for the French, ranging from the Adrian Helmet to the Zouave Checia.

The other late Great War French figures which fit well with Woodbine and Brigade are the miniatures of the Forgotten & Glorious Company of Art, which unfortunately I forgot to add to these photographs. Forgotten & Glorious are a fraction taller than Woodbine, but about the same bulk and breadth. They do some particularly nice separate heads for Tirailleurs Sénégalais, which fit pretty well with Woodbine figures as well as their own figure torsos – I’ve purchased a platoon of Tirailleurs Sénégalais in 28mm, using Woodbine torsos and Forgotten & Glorious heads, so watch out for these being painted later in the year (as well as a short series of posts on using the Tirailleurs Sénégalais in “Through the Mud and the Blood” and other Great War rulesets).

The final figures in this brief review are from Old Glory. These are the smallest figures by comparison with the other manufacturers, perhaps best being termed as being 25mm rather than 28mm. The Old Glory figures are quite chunky in themselves, being easily as broad as the Brigade Miniatures figures and therefore being a pretty reasonable match alongside Brigade Miniatures figures provided that the slight height disadvantage is compensated – I’ve used slightly thicker bases for the Old Glory figures adding an extra one or two millimeters to the base as height compensation. Old Glory also do some very nice sculpts which the other manufacturers do not produce, such as a dedicated casualty pack (although Woodbine have recently brought out some French casualties which I have not yet seen), French infantry in M2 gas masks and French tank crew (shown here). With slightly thicker bases on the table top, their slightly smaller size is not going to be noticed from three feet away.

It’s possible with the anniversary of the Great War over the next few years that some other figures for late war French will be manufactured, so hopefully this review will just be the first of a few comparisons between the available figures.

Finally, one of the best things about collecting the late Great War French is that all of the manufacturers featured here have given great, prompt and helpful service to me in purchasing their products. I can strongly recommend all of them as manufacturers and suppliers from personal experience.


  1. They all look like the could be mixed quite well, after all we're not all the same size.

    1. Especially you Ray, nice guide sir!

    2. Thanks Gentlemen. We are indeed not all the same size, whether viewed from three feet or not!

  2. Great review. Looking forward to seeing you completed army.

    1. Thanks Chris! Completed army ..... ah yes....hopefully around November time. Finger crossed!

  3. Very good review !

    best regards Michael

  4. Always had great service from lon at Brigade. Good review thanks.

    1. Absolutely - Lon Weiss is one of the true gentlemen of our hobby. Thanks for dropping by!

  5. A very useful guide - cheers!

  6. Damn you Sidney! You've inspired me to do 200 British GWM, then 200 German and now 2 platoons of French are on their way...

    1. OK, so now I am feeling very guilty! I'm sorry things have been so slow with the French, but there is quite a bit planned for the French still to come, plus hopefully some interesting terrain and scenarios for the British and Imperial forces on the Western Front.

  7. A great review, sir, very useful. I like a lot the Brigade figures.

  8. Very informative Sidney and a useful guide.
    Thanks for sharing,

  9. Very useful post, I'm a fan of Scarab and have bougjt several Austrian blisters and reconverted into Germans

  10. Benito, thanks very much. The Scarab figures take paint so very well, they richly deserve their presence on the table. I've a few of the Austrians and they look very good, don't they.

  11. Hi Sidney, I sent you a e-mail about the article on French tanks in 1917. Let me know whether you received it so I know it's the correct address



    1. Absolutely Jur....thanks for the email, and a huge thank you for the material on the French tanks which arrived yesterday! The Chemin des Dames here we come!!!
