Tuesday 8 October 2013

Campaigning with Chain of Command - Rules and Mechanics

For those of you still reading the Blog posts I've produced in respect of our "Chain of Command" games at the St Albans Wargames Club (thank you - here's some more of the tablets!), you may be interested in today's post on Lard Island News.

Richard has posted a brief description of the backgrounds of the various Leaders we're using in the campaign. As Richard wrote the "Chain of Command" rules and is writing the campaign supplement, you can rest assured that his descriptions of the campaign mechanics will be far more reliable than mine!

With that in mind, please let me direct you to Lard Island News HERE.

As for Richard's description of my Blog posts as the "deranged wanderings of the fevered mind that is La Roundwood", I think that's actually not far from the truth!

Our next campaign game is this evening, so hope you can join Richard and myself for the after action report (wherever it may appear!).


  1. A very rich colour and lovely table!


  2. I've been following you CoC post with great interest, and with half an eye to buying a copy for use n VBCW games...

    1. Jon, I think it would work really well for VBCW. All the weapons you need would be in the 1940 lists which Rich has published for free. It's a good set of rules for simulating small unit actions - platoon level, ideally. You'd also like the campaign system we're working on right now. More on that to come!

  3. The campaign has been very enjoyable so far to read. I started in on Rich's post but have not finished that yet. Work keeps getting in the way.

    1. Thanks Chris! Work has a habit of stopping hobbying, doesn't it!

  4. Appreciate your greate CoC aar's very much!

    Best regards Michael

  5. Love the sepia..very atmospheric!

  6. Following the development of these with an awful lot of interest. Great looking terrain as always mate, and I do like the period sepia shot.
