Friday 8 November 2013

Tomorrow is Blog-Con !

Tomorrow is Blog-Con and I'll be travelling up to Nottingham to meet up with James, Ian, Dave, Paul and Andrew for the World's first wargames bloggers convention. Thanks to the generous hosting by Wargames Foundry at their premises, I'm looking forward to a really great day of meeting bloggers, chatting about the hobby, playing a few games and seeing friends.

After a few frantic weeks, it'll be a great time to chill out at a venue and just play some games. Above all, I think it's a great idea that people sharing the blogging hobby (writing, reading, commenting or posting), who are also wargamers, have got together to do something very different and unique.

I had grand plans earlier this week of listing wargaming items which I am hoping to give away - yes, you heard that right - give away at Blog-Con to a good wargaming home. As chance would have it, this week I've been stuck at work all hours and I've not had chance to work out a list. I've literally loads of stuff which I have decided I'm never going to paint, or books I've read, or rules I've played and not really liked. I'll bring some of that wargaming treasure on the train tomorrow (the best stuff!), and if you're interested, ladies and gentlemen, its all yours with my very best wishes.

Talking of trains - I'm on the 7.51am from Luton Airport Parkway to Nottingham tomorrow morning. Coach G. Seat 10A. Facing forward. Aisle seat. Probably half-asleep. But please do say hello.

And if you're not on the train, I'll see you at Blog-Con!


  1. I hope you get a good day with our fellow bloggers !

    Best regards Michael

  2. Sounds like you'll be having a fun day!

  3. Looking forward to meeting up and what a great idea about bringing some stash, I will have to look what I can find.

    If you get there before 10am, some of us are there so if you can make us hear you can come inside and help set up


  4. I hope this event is a big success as I want attend the next BlogCon. Family commitments and two five week months have conspired to thwart my efforts to travel to Nottingham this weekend.

    Looking forward to seeing the reports and photos.


  5. Will be interesting to see how this pans out for future events. Have a great day.

  6. looking forward to meeting up tomorrow

  7. Sounds like a great idea. Only wish I lived closer! All the best for the big day out.

  8. Woohoo, that sounds like great fun.

    Announcing free stuff to a good gaming home is a very dangerous temptation there, sir!

  9. Sadly, not going to be there, but have a great day Sir.

  10. Oooowh, treasure I must have a look! Looking forward to meeting up Sidney

  11. Have a fabulous day Sidney. The clash with Remembrance Sunday pretty much rules me out but I would love to hook up with fellow bloggers should this become a regular event. Yours aye, Rusty
