Monday 27 January 2014

British, German and Updated French Late Great War Painting Templates

Just a very quick update to let people know that I've updated the late Great War French painting template, which is available on the right-hand toolbar of this Blog under the heading "Playtesting Scenarios, Campaign Diaries, Play-Aids and Painting Guides".   Hopefully everyone can get easy access through Google Drive - but as ever, please let me know if there are any problems downloading it.

I've been hard at work painting a demi-platoon of hardened, veteran  French infantry over the weekend for Curt's excellent Painting Challenge, and I thought there were a couple of useful additions I could make to the template which I first posted in May 2013.

I've also added a late Great War British and late Great War German painting template as well.  Both are long overdue, so I hope someone out there finds them useful.

Thanks also for the kind feedback regarding the Operation Gericht participation game for Partizan MMXIV and Evesham later this year.  I'm hoping to post some material on what we have planned during the course of this week and next.


  1. Thanks for this. One day i will paint my WWI French.

    1. You're very welcome, Chris! Look forward to your French at some point!

  2. Thanks Sidney. These are really very useful.

  3. Thanks Sidney for the template, this will save a lot of time hunting around and if they turn out half as good as yours I will be a happy man.

    1. Great stuff, Pat. That was exactly why I thought it might be helpful!

  4. Thanks Sidney!

    No more using my hand scribbled copy based on your online guides. It's what I have been using for the WW1 stuff for Curt's painting challenge. Even if I am embellishing and making purposeful (and some non) "mistakes" when painting my guys up. Your guide for British and Germans made getting started painting my forces much easier.

    1. Byron, you were...and are.....doing fantastically well without me!! If I can do anything else to help, just let me know!

  5. Great stuff, thanks Sidney, I'll be sure to use them if I start collecting 28mm WW1 figures (which may be a possibility...)

    1. Alex, your 1/48th aircraft would fit perfectly with the 28mm figures... Go on, you know it makes sense!

  6. What a nice chap. I've been thinking about making the switch to Vallejo paints from GW, this will come in rather handy...

    1. Ed, I meant to email you a long time back about Horizon Bleu paint colours.....arrrghhhh, I've only just remembered, seeing your post. I'm so sorry! Hope the painting templates help a bit!

  7. Thanks Sidney
    I've been using your guides and am delighted with the results.
    Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
