Friday 11 April 2014

Getting set for Salute 2014!

Tomorrow is the Salute 2014 show at Excel in London's Docklands, and I'll be making the trip with the rest of the TooFatLardies crew with our participation game based on the fighting around Le Port on 6th June 1944.

I can't claim any praise regarding the figures and terrain, but as you can see from the photos which follow, I know you'll agree that Rich has done a great job with both.

If you get the chance to drop by and say hello, or join the participation game, that would be great.  We'll be at stand GJ11, hopefully with a large and prominent TooFatLardies banner!

If you can't make the show, I'll hopefully get my photos of the event posted at some point over the weekend.
So whatever your wargaming plans are this weekend, hopefully you can enjoy a slice of Salute here on the Blog wherever you are!


  1. I hope to get to play one of the particiation games in the PM (if I can sneak away from Caesar).

  2. A shame I can't come to Salute so I hope you enjoy yourselfes!

  3. I'll make sure to pop along and say Hi, in case you can't get away for the lunchtime bloggers' meet-up

  4. Excellent work on those figs (even though they aren't yours!). Salute is too far away for me to make unfortunately, you should consider bringing a WW1 game up north sometime...

  5. Ah, it looks to be a marvellous scenario - I wish I could see its full unveiling at SALUTE. Nonetheless I look forward to meeting some of the boys when we get together in a few weeks.

  6. Great Work !!! Waiting more pics

  7. Bloody outstanding, particularly miffed that I couldn't make Salute now
