Thursday 22 May 2014

Partizan Preparation: French Machine Guns

Preparation for our Verdun participation game at the Partizan show on 1 June is currently well under way at Roundwood Towers.  In between painting the last few French figures for the game, I've being doing some reading, and re-reading.

I've had the French machine guns for the game sitting in a box file for some time.  I've been painting a Hotchkiss machine gun and a captured MG08, brought into service by the French against its former owners.  I've also been wanting to finish off a few additional French junior leaders for some time.  They're now all about 50% as you can see from the photos on this post.  I generally don't enjoy this stage of painting as the figures look very much half done - dark, grubby and blending all too realistically into their bases as they await highlighting and detailing.  I'm hoping to get them finished on Saturday morning.

On my morning commute I've been re-reading Ian Ousby's excellent "The Road to Verdun", which out of all of the books I've read about Verdun perhaps best captures the mental horror of the battle for the French soldiers and nation.  Michel Goya's "La Chair et L'Acier" is an excellent read, although my French is not really good enough to read it at any speed.  I'm translating rather than reading in any real sense of the word.

"La Chair et L'Acier" is, nevertheless, a very good read in any language, and after Partizan is over I'll post a full review here.

Next up, a tour through Paris, and some handouts for the Operation Gericht game at Partizan.  Hope you can join me for that!  On les Aura!


  1. I shall look out for you on Sunday week, Sir Sid!

    1. Jolly good, Simon - see you there!

    2. I love your style of painting, Sidney, very inspiring - good luck at the show!

  2. As ever, fantastic looking figures, even though they are half painted! I haven't read much about Verdun, except Alistair Horne's Price of Glory, many many years ago. I shall have a look out for the Road to Verdun on your recommendation.

    1. Thanks Alex! Sir Alastair Horne's "The Price of Glory" is certainly a fine book. I think I reviewed it here on the Blog about a year back. It's very easy to read, unlike Ian Ousby's book. However, looking back on all the Verdun books I've gone through, it's Ousby's book which lingers longest in the memory. I think you'll like it - just make sure you persevere to the end!

  3. Looking forward to meeting up again. I shall be swotting up on the rules while away on hols! Let's just hope Von Stumpfhaussen is not in that dastardly communication trench again!

    1. Thanks Dave! No trenches in the Verdun game - yes, it's brutal warfare - but I shall be sure to add von Stumpfhaussen to the Stosstruppen!

  4. Absolutely immaculate painting and basing. I envy the lucky chaps who get to participate in a game with such outstanding Poilus!

    1. Thanks very much! I only regret, seeing your Tirailleurs on your own sight, that I haven't got my Algerians finished in time!

  5. Looking really good, see you in the big top.

    1. Roll up, roll up!! Looking forward to it, Phil!

  6. Beautiful work and good luck at Partizan Sidney!

    1. Thanks Fran! Are you making the trip North? I need to pass you something via Curt if you are....otherwise I'll post it...

    2. Sorry mate, lack of funds......

  7. Absolutely stunning work! Great to see you back on the brushes, so to speak.

  8. Lovely work and I will try and chat at Partizan: Under the Covers

  9. Really nice! See you at Partizan (no joke about tents, see?).

    1. Tents are not a laughing matter, after all, Gary :) See you there!

  10. Beautiful stuff as usual. I will resist reading any of your reccomendations, I have enought projects on as it is.
    See you at Partizan.

    1. Thanks Paul! You're right not to be distracted! See you at the party in the Park!!

  11. Another batch of wonderful looking figs!

  12. Very nice work again Sidney. I also picked up a copy of Ousby's book on your recommendation, and am about to start reading it. Best of luck for the Partizan game, really looking forward to seeing some nice pictures of it.

  13. You might want to look at a couple other boos as well.

    'Letters from Verdun' - William C. Harvey & Eric T. Harvey

    'Education before Verdun' - Arnold Zweig

    I highly, highly, recommend Zweig's book. It's a stirring personal account that will leave you heart wrenched wanting to change to the outcome!
