Friday 9 May 2014

"Winter Sports" cards and markers

Following a couple of outings of the "Winter Sports" game this weekend, I've posted the special cards for game on the right hand side of the Blog under the section entitled "Playtesting Scenarios, Campaign Diaries, Play-Aids and Painting Guides".   The file is entitled "Winter Sports Trench Raiding Cards and Markers".  I hope it is useful.

As readers of the Blog with a long memory might remember, "Winter Sports" is the trench raiding supplement for the TooFatLardies rules set "Through the Mud and the Blood".  The "Winter Sports" supplement was published in the Christmas 2010 Lardies "Christmas Special".

Over the years, we've enjoyed many hazardous trench raids into No Man's Land, and I've sought to freshen up the game slightly with some new cards for the Defending forces.  Although I've made up the cards for a German Defending force, the result would be almost identical if the British (or French, or Americans, etc) were defending.  The new cards are Listening Post, Nasty Sharp Things, Communications Down, Flare, Returning Raiders and Walking Wounded.  The descriptions for these new cards is on the Umpire's sheet of the "Get Carter" scenario (also posted on the right hand side-bar of the Blog in the "Playtesting Scenarios" section).  These new cards are pretty much a work in progress, and I'm very happy to take suggestions about how well, or badly, they work.

One of my long term projects (assuming I can persuade Richard to give me permission) is to update a revised "Winter Sports" supplement including the new cards and adding in a number of refinements we've made to the original supplement over the years (including a "Winter Sports" scenario focused on looting the enemy's trenches).  I'll keep you posted on progress.  As ever, ny thoughts and comments are more than welcome.


  1. Thanks Sidney, they truly are lovely cards and I am fighting the urge to print them out and immediately start up the laminator... But let me have a game of TtMaB first!

    1. Thanks Alex! There's just a few more to come like more set....and then you can return the laminator!

  2. Thanks , it's very generous tosh are your work.. All duly nicked!,,,,

    1. To share , not "tosh"... Damned predictive text!!!!!

    2. Ha! Feel free to nick any of my old tosh, Dave!

  3. Those are rather splendid, will definately print and use when Winter Sporting next.

  4. Thanks Andrew. It was great meeting you again last weekend. Looking forward to the next one!
