Wednesday 11 June 2014

The "Zuricher Zeitung" and Operation Gericht

Just a short update to bring you up to speed on the pre-game preparation for Operation Gericht (Redux) which will played at Evesham this Saturday.

All of the French and German officers have now had their characters allocated by the players in the morning and afternoon games. This has been a really fun process, seeing what each of the players came up with for some distinctive Big Men to lead their forces.

I’ve also distributed the scenario packs, including details of force composition and a list of additional key “attributes” which can be chosen for each force from a list which hopefully frames some of the key tactical choices available to the opposing troops in the battle. To maintain the tension for the players, I’ll not be posting the scenario packs until after the weekend.

However, after the games are completed, I’m hoping to create a PDF of the scenario packs, character details, newspaper clippings, rule amendments and all the other details which we’ll be using in the two games this weekend. I’ll be posting that PDF on the blog, hopefully in the next week or so.

All the newspaper material is available over at the TooFatLardies forum HERE and HERE. However, to bring the blog up to speed, here’s some of the news extracts which have featured in the Zuricher Zeitung over the course of the last week.

And because a map says a thousand words, and because I love maps, here's a rather wonderful map (courtesy of "The Soldier's Burden") depicting the ground over which the battle will be fought.

Hopefully, I should have time before the game itself on Saturday to introduce the Big Men characters here on the blog.  But if not, please feel free to stay tuned on Twitter to @RoundwoodsWorld, where I will again be attempting to do reports from the games as they unfurl on the tabletop.  It's all a little experimental, but stay tuned for that mes braves!


  1. WOW! Ambitious and yet impressively executed. Quite delicieux!

    1. Merci! It's very experimental...but I'm pleased you're enjoying it so far!

  2. I'm pulled in and I'm not playing! Fabulous work, it'll be quite a treat to play.

    1. Thanks Monty. Don't worry...if this works, there may well be an international Blogosphere version coming along soon!

    2. That would be very cool!

  3. That first picture is just awesome! In fact the whole gaming table is!


  4. Mr. Roundwood that's some amazing stuff you show us here!

    1. That's very kind Moiterei! Glad you're enjoying it!

  5. Completely hooked! Sounds absolutely wonderful.

    1. Fingers crossed it just kind of works....somehow....:)

  6. Woot! Woot! Love the 'Bring two of your doves' from Mata. Classic!

    1. Ha! The image of her supervising the despatch of carrier pigeons at midnight in the gaslit streets around Montmatre was just too good not to use!

  7. Oh this all looks superb!
    Thanks too for the link to the Soldiers Burden - looks to be an interesting site.
    Have fun!

    1. Cheers Matt. Hopefully its a kind of French theme...even if I've taken a few liberties with history!

  8. Wow that's so cool !
    I'm curiously following your efforts and they seem to create a unique experience. It's great fun to follow the story!


    1. Thanks Stefan, that's really kind of you to say. Just glad you're enjoying it!

  9. Loved the game at Partizan. i took a few pics too- if you'd like to take a peek and possibly include them on your blog the contact me at

    darrell DOT hindley AT googlemail DOT com


  10. Darrell, thanks so much! I was pretty busy on the day...I didn't realise how much work it was going to be! I'm really sorry I missed you as I love your work. Thanks so much for the offer. I shall most certainly pinch a few of the photos for the next blog post. Thanks again for offering.
