Friday 19 September 2014

Adieu to Horizon Bleu!

Here's the final Poilu in Horizon Bleu for the Verdun Project.  They've taken a while to complete but they are, at last, completed.

The figures are mainly Brigade Games miniatures from their late Great war French line.  The 37mm trench guns are from Old Glory, with a Forgotten & Glorious musician and Scarab field telephone operator added for good measure.  The Old Glory trench guns were worth persevering with and paint up very nicely - they should give the French assault formations some real force on the tabletop.

The company command group was a lot of fun to paint.  I'm currently toying with the idea of using a satin, or even gloss, varnish on the black leather jacket of Capitaine Moreau.

These are the first batch of figures where I’ve gone the full distance with ground texturing, adding grass tufts and leaves to a lot of the figures along with some barbed wire. I think the extra effort was worth it, and I’m going to be doing more of this in the future I hope.

So, after almost 18 months, I’m about ready to hang up my Horizon Bleu paint brushes and move on to the Tirailleurs Sénégalais. The figures, and their separate heads, have arrived in the post, I’ve a clean painting table, and have no more excuses.

Hopefully the next few posts will have a sense of exotic Africa about them!


  1. Congrats on finishing your project, it's a stunning achievement, will we see them all in their glory as a group shot?


    1. Thanks Ian. Much appreciated, mate. I've plans for a photoshoot later in the year, so the answer is yes!

  2. Wicked! Can't wait to see the results of that!

  3. Very harmony colors, and terrain accordance with natural colors
    Also suitable (now) autumn colors

    1. Maximex, you're very welcome, thank you. I was aiming for an Autumnal theme - somehow I think it fits the French army particularly well.

  4. They do look great, I may go back and rethink the basing on my AEF Marines now.

    1. Thanks Kris. The basing was pretty easy. Just modelling sand sprinkled on PVA, then the logs added before the PVW is dry. The PVA really holds the sand fast. Then, when dry, you can paint and dry brush the ground cover. After that, I added the "leaves" (gluing them down with PVA), and the grass tufts. Then paint the leaves and dry brush the grass tufts and you're done. Honestly, it is pretty easy - just do a step at a time and your Devil Dogs will look great!

  5. Fabulous looking "Hairy Ones" :) (I understand they hated that term).

  6. I take my hat off to you Sidney, seeing one project through to completion before starting the next, and what a project it has been. You have yourself a fantastic collection of French, which combined with your Tommy's and Huns has to be the envy of every wargamer who has any interest in this period.
    You have also set the bench mark for basing figures and I don't think any of us will be happy with are usual attempts after seeing these.

    1. Pat, I don't quite know what to say except "thank you". But honestly, whatever I've done has been inspired by wargaming modellers like you and so many other bloggers. As for basing and painting, all my ideas were pinched from other better painters and modellers. But thanks, all the same! I really appreciate it!

  7. Well done Sidney! You're inspirational as ever.

  8. Lovely work as ever! Congratulations on this milestone. I look forward to the Tirailleurs.

    1. Thanks Peter. The Tirailleurs are going to be fun.

  9. Excellent group of figures, setting the standard for anyone collecting WWI miniatures.

  10. So good!! The final work is astonishing
    Congratulations Sidney

    1. You're welcome, Benito. Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting, Sir!

  11. Excellent work as usual and certainly a collection to be proud of. However, actually completing a project without succumbing to distractions is a totally alien concept to me and one I find strangely uncomfortable . . . .

    1. Gary, believe me, finishing a project is as alien to me as it is to you! I promise not to do it again any time soon!

  12. Your basing is bloody brilliant! And congrats, it takes a lot of discipline to finish a project.

    1. Thanks Iannick! Much appreciated. I confess, though, I was distracted a few times on the journey!

  13. Perseverance pays off! Beautifully done and done.

  14. Splendid! Your french never fail to amaze me. One day I'll do some myself... one day...

    1. Aha!! I feel that your resolve is weakening Moiterei! Go day soon Sir, one day soon....

  15. Excellent work Sidney! Congratulations on your wonderful achievement!


    1. Thanks Christopher. Thanks so much for dropping any and commenting. Much appreciated.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous mate but then we've come to expect nothing less. The extra effort of the basing is always worth it, especially given you put such effort into the miniatures. Any chance of some more side on shots?

    1. Thanks Millsy! No problem. I'll do some side-on comparison shots in a short while.

  17. Very impressive, love the colors of the bases and, of course, the paint job!

  18. Fine work! But, finished? An odd concept for many wargamers I think...

    1. I know, its a weird feeling, David - actually finishing something!

  19. absolutely worth every minute of the work! Beautiful figures as always Sidney!

  20. Exceptional work mate! It's been a while since i've posted here, been flat out with the new job, but i've been lurking away watching this project develop. Captain Moreau looks great, I love the black leather effect and the map is very well done also.
    This whole project has been amazing mate, exceptional quality and put together with a real artist's eye. You've created a work of art, and as Silver Whistle said, the envy of anyone with even a passing interest in the era. Thanks for sharing, and for providing all the little extra odds and sods like the painting guides and book reviews. I can't wait to see what you do with the Tirailleurs Sénégalais.

    1. Ben, thanks so much (and great to hear from you - hope you're both well).

      It's been a journey, but I've loved doing it. I have a lot of book reviews still to finish off, and more material to post (as regards scenarios and the like). All in good time, I'm sure. But you should know, without the support from you, and loads of bloggers, painters and gamers like you, I'd never have got out of the starting gate. So, thanks very much, Ben - I really appreciate it!

  21. Absolutely incredible as always, how do you get your colours like that - bold yet not over done. Fantastic stuff. The bases look great as well, definitely paid off. Looking forward to seeing more of this Africa lark

    1. Kieran, you'll love the "African Lark"! Thanks so much for dropping by, mate, and for the great comment - much appreciated!

  22. Absolutely stunning! The grenade launcher looks amazing.
