Thursday 6 November 2014

The Fifth Annual Painting Challenge

Visitors to the small corner of the blogosphere populated by wargaming and painting blogs may already have noticed that Blogging Supremo, Impressario and all round Grand Chap, Mr Curt Campbell, has announced the arrival shortly of the Fifth Annual Worldwide Painting Challenge.

This year's focus seems to be on anti-heroes, which gives a wonderfully dark and dramatic tone to the Challenge, with some great scope for modelling and ... who knows ... perhaps a little "alternative history" (cue evil laughter).

Announced yesterday, and impressively entitled “V” (with the panache of a Soho marketing executive, announcing on the 5th November), the Challenge is something I’ve been looking forward to since the last one ended.  Sometimes its difficult to keep motivated painting wargames figures. It can feel like a solitary pastime. Far better, therefore, to have the camaraderie of painters throughout the world over the winter months, complete with all the banter, encouragement and general mayhem which goes with each of the Challenges.

Curt has put together a detailed post on his blog, complete with scheduled “themed entries” which were a huge hit in last year’s competition. I’m already planning my contribution to these, along with thinking about what I need to ensure that the preparation work is finished on the various miniatures I want to enter for the challenge.

First up will be trying to paint the Tirailleurs Sénégalais, which (perhaps fortunately) are still in Head Swap-ville. When I last looked, I had about 30 converted. Luckily (for me), Curt lets Challenge participants undertake their conversion work before the Challenge commences, allowing me a window to finish the conversions before the fun starts on December 5th.

I should probably, therefore, expect more scratched and worn fingers with pre-Challenge conversion work before my fingers get really worn painting like a demon for three months. But the rewards are worth it, and there’s nothing quite like the Challenge as a group activity and for bringing the Blogging community together.   I've pitched for a (for me) difficult 750 points, but I'm really focused on trying to improve my score last year, which was in the low 500s.   Anything over 600 points would feel like a great result.

So, all I need to do is to do some more head swaps and I'm ready.  I wonder where I left that hack-saw....


  1. I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year.

    1. Thanks Chris. It's exciting just thinking about it. I've already ordered one items, and will be getting a couple more today.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Sidney! It's wonderful to have you with us again this year. Your Mata Hari from last year's Challenge was a benchmark entry - beautiful work (and I'm honoured to have your greyscale version of that unfortunate Lady in my painting cabinet). Perhaps we need another points duel to stoke the fires of industry?

    1. Another points duel? I still owe you your prize from last year (which I promise I will finish before we start this madness again). But, if you twist my arm, I'm game.

  3. Hooray! Really pleased to hear about the next Painting Challenge. I joined in last year "unofficially" and I will probably do the same this year, since places are (rightly) reserved for regular "challengers".
    I agree Sidney, it's a good way to generate a bit of extra motivation. I will aim to get my Gallipoli collection done as part of the challenge. Right, must head on over to Curt's page and check the starting dates, etc.

    1. Matt, it's very good fun. The themed rounds are a wonderful way of getting the mind working. Now, Sir....Gallipoli is it? Now that will be wonderful to see. Did the Warhammer Great War rule amendments for Gallipoli ever get published, do you know?

    2. Yes, it will be Gallipoli. Having lived in NZ I feel a definite connection with the ANZACs, and the Canterbury Battalion in particular.
      No idea about the Great War rule amendments, but if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be useful.

    3. Very much looking forward to seeing how you get on with the ANZACs, Matt. I shall keep my ears open regarding the Gallipoli WGR amendments...

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely work again this year Sidney. Your submissions are always an inspiration.

    1. Thanks Tamsin, and Millsy! Great to be part of this again!

  5. Good Luck Sir, got to say I am pumped for this one, may even paint some of the figures I prepared for the one two years ago LOL


    1. Thanks Ian!!! Funny how useful those figures become around this time of year! Great to see you in the starting line up as well.

  6. Great to hear you're on board too. Your Mata Hari really was an excellent piece of art.

    1. Moiterei, thanks so much. Very kind indeed. I've had great fun in the past couple of days just dreaming of similar fun projects. Just the hard work of painting them all, now!

  7. Looking forward to some Roundwood classics...

    1. Ha! No pressure, then, Dave! I'm looking forward to it, although I'm not sure it will be "classic". I'll do my best!

  8. Always an enjoyable time spent viewing the entries of all those involved. Best of luck again this year!

  9. Glad you're participating again Sidney, to inspire us all with your fine painting.

  10. Hi Sid - just started following the blog after lurking around for a while and drawing lots of inspiration from your posts - fantastic stuff. After reading this post I headed over to Curt's blog and have entered the Challenge for the first time, hoping it will help me make some inroads into the lead and plastic mountain. Looking forward to seeing more of your efforts in the coming months (even though they will undoubtedly put mine to shame). All the best and thanks for the spur to get the brushes out again.

    1. Hi Peter! That's very kind! Good job, Sir, signing up to the Challenge. I know you'll enjoy it. I'm not sure my efforts this year are going to trouble the scoreboard, never mind the prizes, but I'll do my best! And, my pleasure regarding you and your brushes - great to have you back with us in the fold again!

  11. Excellent to hear that you're in again !
    I'm very much looking forward to your excellent work.

  12. I'm looking forward to the Challenge this year as it may force me to pick that damned brush up again and get something painted!! Good luck!!

    1. wouldn't be a painting Challenge with you , Ray!
