Thursday 21 May 2015

Mini-project: Great War Miniatures Highlanders

In the theme of “small is achievable”, I’ve started a mini-project this week. Again, this is really to try and get the painting fingers moving agin after a few months away from the brushes.

I’ve had a number of the splendid 28mm Great War Miniatures Highlanders in my lead mountain for a few years now. I’ve painted a few of these in the past, but only a handful. A rummage through the assorted boxes in the study revealed many more. 

I’ve selected a handful – ten in fact, to start with – for the next mini-project. Just enough to stay focused, and not enough to intimidate. The figures are terrific, with a mix of steel helmets and Tam O’Shanters, and they’ve been sculpted by Dave and Aly with a typically large pack and entrenching tool, making them perfect for 1917. I’m planning to paint them up as the 8th (Service) Battalion of the Black Watch (largely recruited from Perth and Fife), which took part in the Arras Offensive, Passchendaele and the Cambrai offensive, all from 1917.

I also wanted to try and create some casualty/ shock markers for the unit. No one makes suitable figures, although I did have a go a year or so back at converting some old glory British casualty figures. The kilts were a bit tricky, but I’m hopefully they’ll pass muster from a distance. 

 As for the figures, I’m particularly looking forward to the trews on the officer figure, and the piper.

I’ve ordered a copy of Trevor Royle’s “Flowers of the Forest” for a bit more background to Scotland’s Great War history. Oh, and I’ll be picking up a bottle of Lagavulin this weekend, just in case some spiritual inspiration is required. 

And finally, let me leave you with some photos of the amazing and wonderful country which is Scotland (courtesy of the very talented Stephen Emerson). Gratuitous, I know, but beautiful, all the same.


  1. Looking forward to see this project unfold!

    1. Thanks so much. Let's see how the first little group goes. If I get them done without too much pain, I have some ideas for the next group, which I know you'll like.

  2. I started some of these a few years ago and then had a panic as the kilts approached (so to speak) so interested in how you get on.

    1. Ahhh...the kilts. Yes, I'm trying not to panic thinking about them! But I have a cunning plan to help me.... remains to be seen if it works!

  3. Looking forward to seeing the highlanders and great pictures of Scotland!


    1. Thanks Christopher! You'll have to forgive me my love of Scottish mountains and landscapes (if, indeed, there is anything to forgive!)

  4. You know Canada had WW1 troops wearing Kilts, just sayin'

    1. Hi Muskie! Absolutely right! There were many fine highland regiments from Canada which served in the Great War. The Great War Miniatures figures would do perfectly for any of those. I'm certainly not forgetting Canada's immense contribution on the Western Front. Somewhere in my study I still have Lord Strathcona's horse, under-coated, based and long awaiting brushwork! Thanks for the great comment!

  5. Kilts will not be a problem, Sidney, old chum! They are covered with the khaki kilt covers.

    1. Quite right, Mark, quite right - that does help a lot. I was also thinking about the pleated bit at the back, and the trews. Your own wonderful highlanders have been inspiring me to do these chaps. Not so much "somewhere hot and dusty", as "somewhere dreich and cold"!

  6. Very inspiring blog post - its hardly 10:00 am and I'm feeling rather keen on a scotch right now! Looking forward to seeing the lot painted up, those casualties will be a gem.

    1. Thanks so much. You're not the only one in need of a little spiritual assistance this morning :) Looking forward to getting these first ten guys finished off this weekend. Hands and faces done last night, and hoping for an early escape from work this evening. Fingers crossed!
