I always try and read a name or two. It’s a humbling feeling, remembering so many lives cut short. Sadness. Loss. But there’s also a pride – the communal spirit of the men and women lost in the War, and other Wars, bound together by their ties of work, religion, or just the city in which they lived, and where I work and which I love.
Remembrance, and trying never to just walk by.
Smithfields Market: "For He Shall Give His Angels Charge over Thee"

The Churchyard of St Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: "Hallowed in Christ"

There are lots of memorials in London that seem to 'blend into the background' unless we take time to look for them. Even the Cenotaph gets forgotten a little as traffic speeds by. Which is why I think Rememberance day is so important. It's a chance to look again.