It’s taken a while to get round to this blog post, so thank
you for bearing with me. Sometimes it
should be very simple to paint a handful of wargames figures, and just
sometimes life conspires to do everything to prevent you doing just that. Weekends away, swamped with work projects, friends' birthdays, sorting out the garden – the list goes on, and at each one of them
the couple of dozen figures you’d planned the month before are still there,
looking at you from the painting table, accusingly. I’m sure you’ve all being there, at least at
some point.

Anyway, as promised in the last post, here’s part 1 of a
quick walk through on painting Great War German infantry. It is not, I hasten to add, a tutorial or
instruction! There are hundreds of ways
of getting a decent tabletop result for a 28mm.
And many, many better painters than me.
You really don’t have to go far to find people all over the internet
giving helpful advice on how to paint figures, units and armies. (And these are people who are far better
organised than me as well and manage to post blogs less than almost three weeks